Trying out the traditional craftsmanship: Shiraiwa-Yaki Earrings!


For my second review, I was forced to receive a recommendation directly from my boss... Nope. I should say my boss personally arranged to send this item to my home.


These ceramic earrings are crafted using the traditional Shiraiwa-Yaki technique.

The sophisticated but cute design featuring a gradient from white in the center to blue on the edges, accented with a touch of gold.

I do love the design, but to be honest, it's not something I would typically choose for myself.


The rectangle earrings gracefully dangling


When I wear my hair up, these rectangular earrings dangle gently, catching eyes with their gold color.

My husband said, "The white-to-blue gradient is so unique that I can't help but keep staring at it."

It turns out that the combination of the gentle movement and the striking colors is quite effective at catching the attention of the opposite sex!

For me, earrings that are too long or too light often get tangled in my hair and end up in an awkward position, making them uncomfortable to wear. However, thanks to these earrings, with their length of about 2.5 cm and the moderate weight of the ceramic, they fit nicely into the gaps in my hair when I let it down, which is a great point for me.


The cicle earrings fit perfectly on earlobe


From the moment I put them on, these circle earrings fit perfectly!

I like earrings that press firmly against my earlobes and have a noticeable weight. In terms of a "sense of presence", these earrings are perfect.

Interestingly, I don't feel the weight, perhaps because they are well-balanced and stable.


Furthermore: If I had to buy it myself...


I mentioned earlier that I wouldn't usually buy earrings of this shape and pattern, but in fact, there are specific shapes and patterns that I would definitely purchase. Well, let me show you.

If I were shopping purely based on my taste, I would buy this one and when I need to put it on, I would like to wear them in a diamond shape.

... Hey Boss, how about adding images showing the position of the earring backs on the "You.en" product page? It would help picky shoppers like me to make purchase more easily. (It's difficult to wear them in a diamond shape if the clasp is not centered.)


- About the Author -

【Name】 T, born in Shizuoka Prefecture

【Interests】Going out in traditional Japanese clothing, watching ghost story readings on Youtube

【What I've been up to lately】When I put on and took off these earrings, my children gave me a big kiss on the cheek and said to me with a smile, "Mom, you look stylish. Cute! They suit you!!" and I'm in a great mood because of it.

Yukinitsuki earrings - Snow Moon - S76

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